Pius Martin

Pius Martin

Pius Martin



I’m am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

Suspendisse interdum velit eget nunc euismod, quis commodo odio fermentum. Aliquam a volutpat augue, id maximus sapien. Praesent porttitor laoreet est ac mollis. Donec condimentum augue ut elit fermentum vehicula. Ut tortor tellus, tristique convallis est nec, viverra molestie lacus.”

Vestibulum elementum efficitur libero, ac sodales ante faucibus sed. Cras luctus, enim sed venenatis mattis, arcu dolor iaculis urna, a tristique eros justo et lectus

..unser Empfinden für Ästhetik ist wie ein Spiegelbild, dass sehr klar das innere Indiviuum ausmacht. Einzigartig zu sein, anders und vor allem ehrlich und treu sich selbst ist der Schlüssel zum Ausdruck von Kunst.

Pius Martin

Pius Martin

I’m am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

Suspendisse interdum velit eget nunc euismod, quis commodo odio fermentum. Aliquam a volutpat augue, id maximus sapien. Praesent porttitor laoreet est ac mollis. Donec condimentum augue ut elit fermentum vehicula. Ut tortor tellus, tristique convallis est nec, viverra molestie lacus.”

Vestibulum elementum efficitur libero, ac sodales ante faucibus sed. Cras luctus, enim sed venenatis mattis, arcu dolor iaculis urna, a tristique eros justo et lectus


Dots // Prater // Gmbh // Esquire // Germany // Hugo // Boss // Jo // Malone // Long // Champ // MAM // Wien // Montafon // Tourismus // Ole // Lynggaard // Red // Bull // Mediahouse // Schullin // Schneggerai // Lech // Whyat // Yugo


Pius Martin is a trained mechanical engineering technician. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he spent a lot of time at home with his sister, who was studying photography and graphic design in Hamburg at the time. Inspired by her, he used his apprenticeship salary to buy his first camera. He began his journey as a photographer in clubs, but soon realized that photography was more than just creativity for him— he sees himself as a problem solver and views photography as a means to connect people. In early 2022, he moved to Vienna where he established himself as an independent photographer. He co-manages the successful graphic design and photography studio “Buero Ludwina“ with his sister. Pius is passionately involved in various social projects. He has a particular fondness for a project in Senegal that focuses on leprosy patients and a specially built village for them. He volunteers for this project, documenting everything through photography. For him, it's always about the stories and fates behind the projects. At the age of 22, Pius strives to make a real impact and detach himself from the mainstream. His focus is on supporting social projects worldwide and helping those who are less privileged. Pius emphasizes the importance of giving back and working towards a better world, actively engaging in and supporting social projects as he detaches and supports them.“ ©norakahn